Wednesday, September 21, 2011


todays word:accountability

where do you place blame when you dont really want to point so over being the forgive and forget type but im seriously taken aback by lack of understanding...her rationale for being consistently late i dont work for the mta...but you control how you spend your day so if you're accountable for the rest of your day how is it that you dont see yourself accountable for your own cant blame the service if you are not giving yourself a cushion to get there on time or rather not taking into consideration that things may happen beyond your control...then i have accept my own mistakes i cld hav jus gotten up n got my own child instead of waiting for his jus as culpable for today is about accountability

Jose Sanchez

Thursday, September 1, 2011


i cant love alone, so what of a love that wishes to flit and flitter about while holding does one cope with the potential of having to let go of love when they have finally allowed themselves to feel does one grasp the reality that love is sooo easy to fall for yet so tough to let go i heard the cry of my heart as it broke...stomped on by the love it so badly wants to hold onto...though it wasnt a finale cuz love says its intentions arent to have this end but it cant predict the can you soo easily say yes to whoring about but say IDK to keeping it faithful...have i really laid down my heart in the comforts of an do i reconcile my heart with my addiction to her, when i feel so alone in my efforts to remain strong in love

Jose Sanchez